Is Azure the Right Fit for Small Businesses?

According to a recent survey, Azure is the “most used and trusted” public cloud. Learn how small businesses can grow through tech.

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    A conversation that I often have with Microsoft partners is how to evolve their go to market strategy to be broader. The power of the Microsoft stack is often overlooked. According to a recent survey of senior leaders polled by CCS Insight, Microsoft Azure is the “most used and trusted” public cloud. The Tech Intensity concept that Satya Nadella introduced at Microsoft Inspire was based on the building blocks of the Microsoft stack. If we take a step back and look at the Microsoft stack from a growth perspective, Azure is the first step. The value proposition for Azure is your competitive advantage. Those surveyed said that more than half their Cloud investment is expected to double in the next 12 months. Azure is your ramp for future growth in an exploding market.

    Azure allows your customers to access their data anywhere, at any time. If your customers are not doing this right now, they are facing some huge obstacles. Secondly Azure reduces your internal IT costs. Years ago, you needed a full time IT employee to manage your technology. Not anymore. The next benefit is the security. Security was a big differentiator when comparing the Microsoft Azure Cloud to other public cloud solutions like IBM, Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services as discussed in the CCS Insight survey.

    Your customer data is safe within the Azure security center. Azure gives your customers peace of mind so they can think about what’s next. Another feature is disaster recovery across their applications. In today’s world, disaster recovery capability is vital to their business and you can give it to them with Azure. Last is seamless integration. Again, Azure is the foundation to the entire Microsoft stack. Then you can layer on any of the other Microsoft solutions in order of priority for the customer…seamlessly. For these reasons and many more, Azure is a great fit for small businesses. Microsoft’s innovative Azure technology continues to evolve, propelling small businesses to grow and advance through tech.