Microsoft Dynamics GP End-of-Life: How Stratos Cloud Alliance Helps Partners Through the Transition

Microsoft has officially announced the end-of-life (EOL) timeline for Microsoft Dynamics GP, one of the most widely used ERP solutions by small to medium-sized businesses for decades.

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    Microsoft has officially announced the end-of-life (EOL) timeline for Microsoft Dynamics GP, one of the most widely used ERP solutions by small to medium-sized businesses for decades. This announcement marks a major shift in the business landscape, but it’s not a reason to panic—rather, it’s a call to start thinking about the future.

    At Stratos Cloud Alliance, we understand that this news brings a mix of emotions for both partners and clients. Dynamics GP has been a core business solution for years, and the idea of transitioning away from it can be daunting. However, with careful planning and the right resources, this transition can be an opportunity to modernize and position your clients for long-term success. In this blog, we’ll dive into what the EOL announcement means, the resources Stratos Cloud Alliance provides to help you communicate with your clients, and how we can assist you in navigating this critical moment in time.

    What Does Microsoft Dynamics GP’s EOL Mean?

    Microsoft has laid out a clear timeline for the end of support for Dynamics GP. Support for Dynamics GP will end in September 2029. Microsoft will then provide minimal, critical only, security patches until 2031. Once these deadlines are reached, Microsoft will no longer provide updates or technical support, leaving businesses running Dynamics GP increasingly vulnerable to security risks and operational inefficiencies.

    This EOL announcement signals Microsoft’s broader shift toward cloud-based ERP systems, particularly Dynamics 365 Business Central, which offers modern functionality, scalability, and security features tailored to today’s business needs. As partners, this announcement provides a critical opportunity to engage with your clients early and help them understand why a transition to the cloud should be on their radar—long before the final support dates.

    The Risks of Waiting Too Long

    One of the most significant risks with the Dynamics GP EOL is waiting too long to act. The technical expertise for supporting Dynamics GP will gradually diminish over the coming years. Resources that are currently available for GP support and migrations will become scarcer as the market continues to pivot toward cloud ERP solutions like Business Central. This could lead to increased costs, longer timelines for migration, and more challenging transitions if businesses wait until the final years before deciding to move off Dynamics GP.

    Starting the conversation now and planning ahead will not only provide peace of mind but also give your clients a competitive advantage as they modernize their systems and processes.

    The Competitive Landscape: Why You Need to Stay Top of Mind

    With Microsoft’s Dynamics GP End-of-Life announcement, it’s important to be aware that other cloud ERP providers such as Infor, Acumatica, and even Microsoft’s own teams may begin reaching out directly to your clients. These competitors will likely promote their cloud solutions as viable alternatives to Dynamics GP. Without proactive communication from you, your clients may consider exploring other options.

    To ensure you remain top of mind and position yourself as the trusted partner they need, it’s crucial to stay ahead of these conversations. By continuing to offer solutions within the Microsoft business applications ecosystem—especially Dynamics 365 Business Central—you can provide a smooth, reliable transition that keeps your clients within familiar territory. As a Stratos Cloud Alliance partner, you have access to resources that will help you strengthen your relationship with your clients.

    Being proactive now means you’ll be better positioned to guide your clients through this transition, keeping them loyal to both Microsoft and your business as their trusted partner.

    How Stratos Cloud Alliance Supports You

    At Stratos Cloud Alliance, we are committed to supporting our partners through this transition. Whether you already have a Business Central practice or are new to the cloud ERP space, we have resources and programs designed to help you succeed.

    Here’s how we can assist you:

    Pre-Planned Email Templates

    Communication is key during times of change, and your clients will likely have many questions and concerns about the future of Dynamics GP. To make this process easier, we’ve created pre-planned email templates that you can use to inform your clients about the Dynamics GP EOL and start the conversation about their next steps.

    These customizable emails are designed to address common concerns and provide a roadmap for transitioning to modern ERP solutions like Dynamics 365 Business Central. By starting these discussions early, you can help your clients avoid last-minute panic and ensure they are well-prepared for the future.

    GP to Business Central Campaigns in a Box

    For partners who are looking to launch marketing campaigns to guide their clients through this transition, we’ve developed GP to Business Central Campaigns in a Box. These campaigns include all the tools you need to run a successful migration-focused marketing effort, from email series and landing pages to social media graphics and blog content.

    These ready-to-go campaigns will help you engage your GP clients and communicate the value of moving to a modern, cloud-based ERP solution. You don’t have to start from scratch—our campaigns are designed to make it easy to educate and motivate your clients toward migration.

    Partner Development Manager Support

    One of the most valuable resources at your disposal is your Partner Development Manager (PDM). Each partner’s situation is unique, and your PDM is there to provide tailored advice on how to navigate this transition. They can help you assess your client base, identify those most at risk, and create a long-term strategy to ensure a smooth transition from Dynamics GP to Business Central.

    If you haven’t had a chance to connect with your PDM yet, now is the time. These discussions will help you plan for the future, avoid any potential pitfalls, and make sure your clients are prepared for what’s to come. If you are not a partner with Stratos Cloud n sign up today to get the support your practice deserves.

    Discounted Marketing Support with Marketeery

    We also recognize that marketing ERP transitions can be complex and time-consuming, which is why we’ve partnered with Marketeery, a marketing agency specializing in Business Central migration campaigns. As a Stratos Cloud Alliance partner, you can take advantage of a 10% discount on Marketeery’s services. They’ll work with you to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that accelerates your Business Central pipeline and ensures your clients understand the benefits of migrating from GP.

    Expert Resources for Every Step of the Journey

    Whether you’re just starting to explore Business Central or have an established practice, Stratos Cloud Alliance has a wealth of resources to help you. From training materials to migration tools and marketing assets, we offer everything you need to guide your clients through this transition and grow your business in the process.

    Why Start Now?

    Waiting until the last minute to address the Dynamics GP EOL will create challenges for both you and your clients. Technical expertise for GP will dwindle, and the cost and complexity of migrating to a new system may increase as demand for resources grows. The earlier you begin these conversations and planning, the smoother the transition will be.

    By acting now, you can ensure your clients are well-prepared for the future and position your business as a proactive partner that delivers real value. The time to start thinking about the next five years is today.

    Let’s Move Forward Together

    At Stratos Cloud Alliance, we are here to help you, and your clients, succeed through this transition. Whether you’re looking for marketing support, technical guidance, or strategic planning, we have the tools and expertise to make this a smooth process.

    We encourage you to reach out to your Partner Development Manager or contact us at to discuss your options and create a plan that aligns with your business goals.

    If you are not a partner yet and would like access to the resources outlined above, fill out our partner join form here. 

    Together, we can ensure you’re ready for the future—no matter when your clients decide to make the move.