Stratos Support Structure for Partners & ISVs
Your relationship with Stratos Cloud provides all the resources you need to build and grow your practice.
Some of those resources include billing systems, procurement systems, provisioning systems, monitoring and management systems, and more. Other resources include the availability of services you and your customers require.
But the most important resources for Stratos and for your business are our people. Yes, their success depends upon their experience, their expertise, their enthusiasm, and their passion for excellence. Much of that is gained through working with customers, and much through formal training.
What they need most are excellent onboarding and ongoing enablement
You truly do only have one chance to make a great first impression. When new partners join Stratos Cloud we assure that great first impression through carefully developed onboarding programs. We introduce your salespeople to our sales support resources. Your marketing team meets with our marketing team to learn about all the advantages we make available to them, and how to best put them to use. Our technology experts give your technology experts a tour of everything they can turn to us for. And our management team makes sure your management team’s expectations are managed and met.
Each of your departments will also find an almost overwhelming library of videos, white papers, solution briefs, product advisories, and other materials in our library there to enable them to deliver the best possible solutions to your customers. That library is always growing, and your people will always have easy access to them as Stratos Cloud partner personnel.
To browse through these resources and familiarize yourself with everything that’s in there, please visit the Stratos Cloud Partner Portal today! Resources include:
Stratos Cloud UpNow! Packaged Services Catalog
Selling Skills for Partners
Our “3 Easy Steps” Series
Stratos ISV Development Program
Cloud Brew Newsletter
Marketing Campaigns In-a-Box
Sales Support Portal
Technology Services & Support Portal
Stratos HUB
A Focus on
Partner Outcomes
Recognition as a Trusted Partner
Gain Access to Our Network of ISV Solutions