You’re Ready to Join Stratos Cloud when…
You’re ambitious!
And perhaps you’re a bit impatient. You want to get to market quickly and start selling Microsoft solutions. You don’t quite meet the requirements of the Microsoft Direct CSP program and don’t see yourself quickly hitting the sales volume requirements. But you want to be able to sell Microsoft SKUs along with your own services, or perhaps your own software!
When you project how quickly your sales may grow, are you really prepared to support all of it? Do you see yourself hiring many expensive technology support specialists? Or perhaps you would prefer to use someone else’s for now.
Does your billing system support repetitive billing? Many channel partners discover too late that their billing systems cannot manage the specialized invoicing required for subscriptions.
Speaking of subscriptions, they bring significant responsibilities on your part. Are you fully familiar with what you’ll need to be doing when you sell a volume of subscriptions to your customers?
Direct vs. Indirect
Direct Microsoft CSP partners, those who purchase directly from Microsoft, have significant requirements they must fulfill which require significant investments.
If you lack those resources but don’t lack for customers to sell to, you’re probably ready to begin your journey! All the enablement you’ll need is available from Stratos Cloud. Time to look into it!
A Focus on
Partner Outcomes
Recognition as a Trusted Partner
Gain Access to Our Network of ISV Solutions